An all consuming project 2/25 - 3/3

An all consuming project 2/25 - 3/3

The energy this week wants us to keep our head down and focus on what’s right in front of us.  

Maybe there’s a project you have been working on that really needs your attention, it becomes all consuming. This week is the perfect time to allow the magic of it to take center stage. 

What has brought us to this moment… A plan of action, the newness feels almost prophetic. Perhaps you’ve been asked to dance by the Muses, when they offer up their hand it’s best to let them lead.  This project it worth it, you’ll see!

We chip away, piece after piece falling into place, giving little lights of hope as we move toward a calmer headspace, it’s an opportune moment that’s happening quicker than you planned.  

Some charms as guideposts for the week:

  • Tiny Rubber Chicken— Remember to take some breaks for fun during all the work, especially if you feel stuck
  • Button — This project wants you to bring it to a close before you can move forward, you’re almost there! 
  • Clock — Time is of the essence!
  • Angel Coin— You are supported even if times may feel stressed, your guides are around helping and cheering you on! 

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