Eyes on the Horizon
This week we have all eyes on the prize, a goal unfolding before us. The energy points to being tired of waiting for our proverbial ships to come in, so it’s time to start building our own. Envisioning what could be, what we know in our heart is meant to be.
What has brought us to this vantage point, the knowing and stirrings that this next step may be huge… is a type of equilibrium that comes from being not only emotionally fulfilled but also in a space of knowing you have access to resources that’ll get the job done. Even if it’s not all mapped out yet, this phase is in the works—it feels like something you have to do.
No journey is without it’s challenges though. On one side you know you’re ready. However, there may be projections of doubts and even failure creeping into the forefront of your mind. Do not let that stop you from taking the first steps. Strategizing means to be aware of possible pitfalls and taking that into consideration along with the wins. It means you are not going at this naively. No new venture is without fear.
Let the dream be bigger than the doubts.
The undercurrent, what’s pulling you out to the seas of change— is this nagging feeling that this is part of your calling, it’s bigger than you know and you can’t shake the feeling it’s meant to happen… almost as if it was written in the stars. There’s a reason it keeps coming back to taunt you.
The above energy shows that it may or may not be easy.
When the spotlight is on you, issues may surface that feel almost too much to carry. A wise friend once told me that “your test becomes your testimony”. Knowing the issues and choosing to move ahead anyway means that there’s also a solution in the works. Problems become a blessing when they reveal themselves… because now we know where to mitigate and solve. This is your story, your adventure… What do you see?
Familiars as guideposts this week:
Wasp: Fly in to remind you, you are essential, a pivotal part of the community, even if fears and misunderstandings arise.
Otters: Want you to confide in your close companions as things may feel deep this week… they remind you that you are supported and don’t have to go it alone.
Skunk: Says to allow your reputation to precede you, also keep your boundaries in check. Not everyone has your best interests in mind.
Blue Jay: Wants you to use your voice and even get aggressive if need be, no one is going to advocate for your dreams like you.
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