As of 7/17/2022 I have had to change to a new instagram account, if you’d like to follow me there it is now: @jamiesawyer336 (yup just like this website!)
I shared this in a recent newsletter and felt that the sentiments needed a more static place. Especially as we see the writing on the wall of the social networking platforms we used to enjoy. (Be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already!)
Bare with me for a moment if you will; I’m gonna share some small concerns of my heart in regards to the social media platforms that may have initially helped me connect with all of you.
I used to deflect praise with the phrase “I’m not that cool in real life”. It was my way of making sure that when people were giving me a compliment, they knew I was still human. I always wanted to deflate any big ego notions before they started. I didn’t need anyone else to knock me off my pedestal bc I already had it covered.
Today, I am rethinking that statement because as of now, I’m dealing with another imposter on instagram. So I must be that cool right? (insert eye-roll) This is the 3rd time in less than a week that I have been cloned on that platform. Please, I implore you, to be aware of this awful problem. Fake accounts are made that resemble ones we know and enjoy under the guise of attempting to con money out of unsuspecting followers. Just block and report. I will never slide into your DMs asking to give you a reading. I share those freely every Monday on Patreon.
My only account on Instagram is @jamiesawyer336
If imitation is the biggest form of flattery, consider me flattered and now I ask that they please leave me alone. It’s actually a larger problem than just the copycats of my account. Friends and other small business owners have been locking them out by going private. This is not an option I wish to explore since it cuts off new people from discovering the tools that I so lovingly create for the collective. For me this is opposite of the point of social media. I am not a professional tarot reader… I create tools to enhance readings. I make these creations to share with you! I love each and everyone of them so much that I want to sing and shout about them from the mountain tops! I want you to know about them, and if my page is private, I may be putting up a wall between the creations and someone who will benefit from them.
Art is the language of my heart and I NEED to be able to share publicly.
So where do we go from here?
I really have been doing my best to shift my mindset—diversify my social platforms while realizing that they are an extension of my newsletter. A place to give little announcements of what I’ve been working on with out emailing you everyday. I have also been pouring more of my heart and soul into my Patreon because it feels safer and allows me the space to show up in the way I want to for you. Creatively authentic with a desire to inspire and empower.
You can also access my patreon by visiting
Everything must change, it’s part of the growth of the world.
My thoughts on Meta? Check out this Blog Post by friend & fellow small business owner Sara Calvarese of the 8th House. I really feel like Sara reached into my brain and wrote out all of my frustrations into a single post. I thank her for her willingness to understand and address this issue.
So I really don’t know the answer to my question, but I’ve been thinking a lot. Perhaps more blog posts are on the horizon here, or maybe VERO will truly take off,(It hasn’t so I deleted it…) I know my Patreon will keep expanding and can’t wait to really grow into that space. However, I do know one thing for sure is that the clone problem is bigger than me and the Metaverse doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop it.
I do ask this one last question… How many times will you show up at a club when it continues to be more and more toxic, and all your favorite people stop going? There’s just a lot to ponder going forward.
I know one thing is for sure though… and that is that the bulk of my deep dives and ponderings will continue to be shared at Patreon as I build the Creative Divination community (there’s also discord channel benefits to all patrons) and I plan to more blog posts here on my website. It’s time to take control over what I share and where I wish to share it!

Until we figure out the next moves as a collective.
You can find me at the following usernames, (any deviations from these should be considered a fake account.) Some accounts I am more active on than others.
YouTube: @jamiesawyer336
Twitter: @jamiesawyer336
Pinterest: @jamiesawyer336
TikTok: @jamiesawyer336
Instagram: @jamiesawyer336
Facebook: @sawyerspath
I do NOT use Snapchat. I had an account a while ago however I don’t even remember the log in details at this point.
Kara - February 20, 2022
Just signed up for your newsletter! I appreciate you and how you’re navigating these changes. I also intimately relate to your need to share your heart language in a public place. 🖤
Valerie Bergin - February 20, 2022
I love this platform and Patreon, but honestly my life is so hectic and soooo many passwords that I don’t know if I will keep up with another and another. I find myself less and less on Facebook. I don’t like being stalked or that people can see if I’m online (FaceBook) etc. I thought Instagram was better, but that only lasted until I kept getting message requests from strange men who only had one post, but many friends. I really don’t have any answers, just observations confirming that the metaverse is not so nice.
Ultimately, I am grateful for being able to see your posts bc your art inspires me to let my creative juices flow a little when I need them.
With love,