Tarot fuera de mano: revelación de cartas

Tarot fuera de mano: revelación de cartas

Cuanto más convierto las ideas del boceto conceptual en representaciones de colores vívidos, más me entusiasma esta plataforma. Si bien dije en la entrada de introducción de mi mazo que está destinado a ser un complemento de Pocket of Peers... ¡también se está revelando como un mazo que se mantendrá por sí solo!

¡Es mi deseo utilizar esta publicación de blog como un espacio constantemente actualizado para revelarte las cartas! (¡Quizás quieras marcarlo como favorito!)

* Sígueme en Kickstarter para recibir notificaciones sobre los nuevos proyectos que lanzo y los proyectos que respaldo: HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

Para la página de la campaña Out of Hand HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

Para obtener la versión impresa más grande bajo demanda de la Guía , HAGA CLIC AQUÍ

Originalmente había dicho que iba a mantener las cartas del Loco, la Rueda y el Mundo de Pocket of Peers tal como estaban... simplemente presentándolas en este mazo. Sin embargo, como el tema y la corriente subyacente de Out of Hand está creando un universo propio; He decidido que también revisaré esas imágenes. Los Ases todavía planeo mantenerlos igual ya que ya encajan en el tema.

¡Realmente espero que estés tan entusiasmado como yo con esta baraja!

¡Ahora, algunas revelaciones de cartas!

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  • Jamie - October 03, 2023

    in reply to ST:
    Unfortunately we will NOT be doing another run of the Out of Hand Tarot Decks. They are a limited edition as are our other decks… And sadly on e of the main reasons we have chosen this route is the fact that so many of our beloved decks are being pirated which in the end hurts us all. I’d rather know that I had a successful authentic printing , than try to compete with knockoffs in the long run. Creating decks from an indie standpoint is a lot of work and continually trying to keep stock like major mass market companies do, is unfortunately not a sustainable outlet for our creativity. Thank you so much for your interest.

  • ST - October 03, 2023

    Please sell them again!!
    I’ve been waiting forever!
    I didn’t know about this deck until now.
    Hopefully they’re back in stock before the copy cats try to resell your product on other sites with bad card stock and color. I rather your true deck. Thanks for being more creative with your version of Tarot and modernizing it so that it visually relates more to this era of life on earth.

  • Sarah - April 01, 2022

    Wow, these are amazing!! I absolutely love the depth of colors and shading in your art. I’m so excited for its progress!

  • Jamie - March 30, 2022

    Holly- I wholeheartedly agree. And fret not, the nesting doll deck will see the light of day, I just had to trust in my heart that the timing was wrong. The deck literally is only related to the Russian culture in the fact that it was the region that made the dolls so popular. However they are found all over Europe at. This point. So I will be releasing the Nested Tarot, but it’ll happen after Out of Hand. I need to give it the space to “cool down” a bit. Thank you so much for your insights and support!

  • Holly - March 30, 2022

    You are prolific! I admire your inspired talents! I wish you would reconsider the Russian doll theme deck. We are all at the mercy of sociopaths. The people of Russia don’t deserve to be rejected anymore than we do for the evil our government does in our name. Although, this current deck is very exciting! So what do I know? Everything you make is mind blowing!

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