In celebration of Black History Month, I am using decks created by Kristen of Over The Moon Magic. Visit her Ko-fi to get your decks today!
This week we are looking at some energy around hibernation, tucking in for the coldest days of the year (at least here in the northern hemisphere). Creating a space to clear our minds in order to connect with our highest selves.
What keeps nudging us, poking us in the proverbial ribs… the thing that is making us perhaps a bit annoyed, dare we say tired of? Is “the hallelujah, the amen…” we are tired of being preached to, a little tired of being told everything will be ok… This can also show up in the form of toxic positivity. Sometimes we need to be able to stew for a moment in order to get to the root causes.
Which leads us to the next prompt of how to connect and work with our Spirit guides. “Working Together” comes dancing into the spread, it doesn’t get much clearer than that. Perhaps you’ve been asking for signs and not heeding them when they show up. Be open to work with your guides as you move through the week.
With “each incantation” it helps to unburden the soul, it helps to lessen the load and we can all walk a little taller! Our words are our spells and when we speak what we want (or don’t) to the winds, it is done… so make sure you are speaking into being that which you wish to see.
Lastly, what’s on the mind may be wondering about how expressing our truest self feels… it connects us to “Sisterhood”. When we are with those who accept us for who we are we feel unburdened, we can rest without worry. We feel connected and calm!
Some charms for the week:
Rubber chicken— reminds us to be playful and not take ourselves so serious, we still need moments of silliness.
Magnifying glass— when things become to much… zoom in on what is in front of you, what you can focus on, the important things in your
Clock hands— time waits for no one. It’s constantly in motion and time changes and also heals.
Once last thing before we end, Kristen’s Sisterhood Oracle is a poetry oracle and is meant to spark a verse. So I’d like to leave you with weaving the words together as a mantra:
The Hallelujah, the amen of working together with each incantation— that’s Sisterhood.
To watch the tarot casting video click on the image: