February 4th - 10th 2025
Right now we are experiencing turmoil in our country coming from the highest house in our government. The call is literally coming from inside the house.
This week I intentionally pulled the Justice card to see what we will need to do in order to get there from here.
In the cave, what is holding us back or hostage, is someone acting rather childish, naive to the bigger picture, living out thier fantasies. We are living in a time of expecting every next move to be unexpected.
Justice is on the bridge, what we need to get to sturdier footing, solid ground. We crave accountability, we need balance restored. Luckily those with the skills to put out these fires are suiting up and strategizing on how to get us back to justice safely… When they arrive, I feel like they will be full trucks a-blazing and coming In with force.
We may not see it, but there’s a part of me that holds onto faith that it’s happening. The “adults” are about to step out onto that rickety bridge to restore justice where it belongs, on solid ground…
What’s rising up from the depths seems to be an ending, a funeral of sorts (take that how you want) closing the chapter on something that was seen as a gift at first, but now… we are looking for our safe spaces.
What is over head, aiding the calvary, is that the promises being made are coming out of thin air, they are uncertain and with that uncertain promise hold little weight. Even if the correspondence seems to say otherwise.
What can help us get through these next days, weeks, months…?
Deer shows up to tell us to observe our surroundings before reacting. A deer (unless in the path of a car) tends to remain calm as they take in every little noise, filtering it through their senses. They know that if the threat is deemed to be real, they can jump and run on a moment’s notice.
I know this is different than my normal readings as I try to stay neutral. However, I can not ignore the elephant in the room for optics sake. I’m worried, my family is worried, friends are worried. Our ways of life are being threatened. We are not ok, and keeping calm and carrying on is no longer an option.
No matter where you find yourself amidst these shifts in the USA please know that I am rooting for humanity and will always be a safe space. I will be back to my regularly scheduled tarot castings next week.
To watch the video that goes with this reading visit: https://youtu.be/pUAOb87GXss