Honey Hive Lenormand

Honey Hive Lenormand

Updated 10/3/2023


Thank You for a successful Kickstarter Campaign!!! 

See how we did:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sawyerspath/honey-hive-lenormand-card-deck

The remaining decks will be in our shop after campaign fulfillment! We have a total of 500 decks being made. They will be a limited edition! 

 The Back story from August of 2022:


I didn’t plan on starting another project... Yet here we are.  
This post is a anchor point, a date stamp if you will. The blog post that said “you saw it here first”…

I’ll be hand coloring the Honey Hive, so I can not give any actual release timelines.  The only thing that is for sure is initially it will only be available in tile format as that’s where the inspiration came from. (I’ll open a dialog with my printer later about actual hive decks, but not right now.)  

I was talking to Jenna (Moonlit Faye) and said “I think I want to do a lenormand that is intentionally shaped like a hexagon… so I can make another set of tiles, I just don’t know what it will be.”  She gave me an excited vote of confidence, like she does, and we went about our conversation.

What I didn’t realize was that text was apparently a call to the Muses. Speak a desire to the universe and forget about it, see what happens… A text that planted the proverbial seed; the next night as I was getting ready for bed ideas started to materialize.  

Going to sleep, I counted card images as they started to take shape… I’m not even kidding.  (Rider: this is what it looks like in a bee theme, Clover: A bee flying toward a clover blossom, Ship: folded paper with bee print on a honeycomb sea…) When you invite the Muses in, they will show up on their own timeline. I woke up the next morning still looping the ideas, so much that after making my coffee I began to roughly sketch all 36 (37) images.  The signifiers will be the 3 types of honeybees: Drone, Worker and Queen. 

Honey Hive Lenormand is focused on bee like subject matter.  Each image has a nod to the buzzing world, in some way shape or form.  I won’t be sharing a lot publicly, as I feel there’s a exhaustion in trying to keep up with how fast I create things… (no really) Like a deer in headlights, trying to make sense of what’s happening— then ultimately there’s disengagement going on, and that’s ok. Aside from Patreon and this Blog, I may not share on my Instagram or Facebook until it’s well underway.

As of this post I have 3 cards colored. 

The purpose of this is to simply be an introductory anchor of “look what I’m up to now”, not intended to flood you with images of something completely new.  I also realized something in regards to the way I seem to “produce at lightening speed”… It’s my practice and muscle memory.  For 20 years as a tattoo artist, I was expected to complete up to 3 finished creations a day.  I would book 3 appointments per day (not week, but day— which would equate to 12 a week with my 4 day schedule) I worked and finished, for the most part, each one.  It’s not that I’m extremely fast… it’s just who I am and how I work.  It’s also why I can create decks the way I do.  Literally drawing almost every day for that long, makes the process akin to breathing. I just thought I’d share that revelation here with you. 

With that in mind, I’ve decided to go back to my origins with this one and color using copic markers, I need to get my hands dirty. I NEED to re-connect with that part of myself.  There’s a lot going on in my life, some big shifts and changes on the horizon… I will spare you the details.  

Let’s just say I need to unplug a little, and that means creating art with my hands and not a stylus on a screen. 

Here is a sneak peek at the 1st 3 images of the Honey Hive Lenormand! (I will still need to add the card titles, but I’ll do that in the templating stage) 

Updates!  I’ll be adding more reveals as I finish them: 





And just like that! I am finished!!!  

Like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am only focusing on this as a lenormand tile set for now.  Not saying that it won’t be a card set, however that is up in the air as to when.  

The reason I am focusing on them being a tile set is I feel they are far more interactive than cards.  The way they “click” together and form the honey comb shapes.  They engage the experimental playground of this system.  

Each Honey Hive Lenormand Tile set will arrive with a sticker in the box that gives access to a digital guide.  The guide is 49 pages and designed to be viewed/read in a pdf reader programs such as GoodNotes.  It is not meant to be printed out.

Also be sure to keep an eye out on my YouTube channel and Facebook fan page, where I will be hosting videos and livestreams about ways I use this system!  I can’t wait to see you there.  

Youtube: www.YouTube.com/jamiesawyer336

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sawyerspath

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  • Jamie - August 23, 2022

    V.- Thank you so much! I appreciate your support as well as your friendship. I can’t wait to see what YOU come up with next as well! ♥️

  • V. - August 23, 2022

    I love ALL of your art and the way your brain works! You are a true inspiration and I STAN YOU!!! Let me take a page from your book, step back, and find out what dirt my hands need to see…❤️

  • Jamie - August 22, 2022

    Gail- (Mom🥰)- right? I love that stationary so much for the ship card idea! It’s adorable!!!
    Jamuna- I’m so happy you like it and would be so honored that this would Bee the deck to bring you into the land of Lenormand! I’m having so much fun getting lost in the coloring process of this and can not wait to see it come fully to life! 🍯🐝

  • Gail - August 22, 2022

    I Love them! That ship, with the Bumble colors on the flag! So.. so… just, OH GODS I can’t stand it! LOL!

  • Jamuna - August 22, 2022

    Love this concept! Can’t wait to see what else you share and release (at its perfect time of course).

    Yay!! I love the hex idea and then your muses bringing in the bees… I feel this is going to be my first Lenormand set!!!

    🍯Please keep us posted! 🌺🐝

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