UPDATE; Pocket of Peers is officially Out of Print.
Beware of fake decks. If you happen to find a copy in a smaller size, for cheap and in a tuck box, it is a fake.
Pocket of Peers is a deck made up with community and connections in mind.
See the Kickstarter Campaign HERE!
Made of the community for the community. There may be some faces you won’t recognize— as they are close friends and family members who have been along this journey with me for a while. I did, however, create the deck with readability in mind. Woven into each card, you’ll find key symbols that are based in the classic RWS (Rider Waite-Smith) Tradition. So even if you don’t recognize a Peer in the deck, you will still be able to understand the meanings in the cards.
We live in a time of disconnection and unrest. It is my wish that these cards will help to show just how connected we truly are. Bringing worlds together during these unprecedented times. We all have stories to share and tell and this is one way of making sure that everyone has a

Rachel Pollack — RachelPollack.com
Mary K. Greer — Marykgreer.com

2 — Theresa Reed; TheTarotLady.com
3 — Julia Waters (close friend)
4 — Tony Kennette (close friend)
5 — Shaheen Miro; Shaheenmiroinsights.com
6 — Rana George; Ranageorge.com
7 — Michael Richmond; Shiningmoonstudio.com
8 — Mitchell Osborn; Mitchellosborn.com
9 — Maia Pearl (Close friend)
10 — Richard Howdy Jr.; Oddmixmarket.com
Page — Dr. Michael Anthony; thedivinerlife.com
Knight — Stephanie Borden (Close friend)
Queen — Arwen Lynch Poe; TarotbyArwen.com
King — Ruth W.; @songofthehealer
2 — Holly Enchanted; Wildly Tarot Podcast
3 — Trudi Dixon; @Trudi_knowtices_things
4 — Carrie Paris; carrieparis.com
5 — Thomas; @hermitsmirror
6 — Beth Hall (Close friend)
7 — Esther Thieia; Wildly Tarot Podcast
8 — Patrick Kenney (Close friend)
9 — Toni Puhle; @thecardgeek
10 — Shannon Gomez; RebelDeck.com
Page — Onareo; @onareo
Knight — Ethony; Ethony.com
Queen — Faith Cantrell; EvilPawnJewelry.com
King — Thomas Pylant; My stepfather

2 — Samantha (Close friend)
3 — JSF (My Father)
4 — Kiala Givehand; @KialaGives
5 — Allison Lamond (Close friend)
6 — Megan Gallagher (Close friend)
7 — Cedar McCloud; Numinousspiritpress.com
8 — Jamie Sawyer (It’s Me!!); JamieSawyer336.com
9 — Maree Bento; Divinemuses.net
10 — Jillian C. Wilde; @jilliancwilde
Page — Fatima Mbodj; Pathofawakenings.com
Knight — Jeremy; @the_lunamarei
Queen — Jenna Diaz; Moonlitfaye.com
King — George Koury; Spiritlovesyou.com
Purchase the print on demand version of the Guidebook: PoP Guide